Also, I don’t have to explain it all; that’s the best part. Just _enough_ to inspire curiousity

Yeah, for me, I want to be universally understood as much as possible.

I do a lot of work with kids. I’ve explained basic quantum mechanics in a form that they comprehend… just for fun. [I’m not a formal educator; kids find me entertaining and follow me on Vine so I make it my challenge to explain all sorts of things in 6 seconds in a way that an intelligent 8 yr old can understand].

Also, I don’t have to explain it all; that’s the best part. Just _enough_ to inspire curiousity. If they feel like it, they can research it themselves. They’re on the same internet. But getting a mind=blown [and knowing what I told them was as accurate as I could be], is a good feeling.

Over 1/2 are over 18, but JUST less than half are under 18. 8800+ followers. [not that all are voraciously gobbling up my every vine of course; I just like the big number… an honest number of regular commenters are probably in the dozens,the viewership around 300-500, going by number of loops.

anyway, yes. From random office worker to stock broker, yes. They’re easy.

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