Modern Science is a combination of Alchemy (the technological side) and Medieval Christian theological thought.
Successful Alchemy winnowed down to successful techniques and a general methodology that seems to work which is part of Modern Science.
The Mind of Man (the cult of Reason) replacing Mind of God forms the general assumptions of the last few centuries and eventually also found its way into modern Science.
Same idea. Different God. Different Arcane Symbols. Better results generally, although being rude as a virtue came along with the package unfortunately.
I’m not speaking of anyone in particular, just generally. With “no one watching”, anything goes. Everything’s ok that is somewhat justifiable, either through reason or other appeals to humans, since there’s no cosmic hidden camera in contemporary thought. Just a side-effect hopefully.
Alchemy. Lead to Gold. Well, the progression of technological progress is rooted and stems from alchemy just as modern science is rooted in comprehending the Mind of God.
Trees are fed by the nutrients they get from the soil and water they receive from the roots.
When artificial divides are put up, it’s like trying it sustain a tree after you’ve sliced through it and trying to graft the tree onto a new base.
But grafting trees is tricky business, if you’ve ever done it. I’ve done it a few times with apple trees long ago… some successful, some failures.
Is this staying in the context of technology, alchemy, science, religion, progress, etc?