Absolutely, the correlation between the frameworks and the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) numbers are as follows:
1. “Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies” (LLCS): This relates to the numbers associated with language and literature which are: 401, 410, 423, 478.3, 808, 808.066.
2. “Phenomeno-Ontological Perception in Cultural-Cosmological Contexts” (POPC): This correlates with numbers relating to philosophy, religion and some aspects of social sciences: 100, 110, 121, 181, 204, 220, 242, 281, 294, 302.
3. “Dynamic Systems-Predictive Coding-Neurophenomenological-Embodied Ecology Cognitive Restructuring” (DS-PC-NE-EE CR): This relates to numbers associated with cognitive science, and possibly some aspects of psychology and philosophy: 153, 155, 100, 121, 181.
4. “Statistical Optimization-Error Minimization-Data-Driven-Environment-Aware Learning Algorithms” (SO-EM-DD-EA LA): This is associated with the numbers relating to computer science: 004, 004.01, 004.064, 005, 005.1, 005.11, 005.13, 005.5, 006.3, 006.31.
5. “Mathematical-Physical Sciences” (MPS): This correlates with numbers related to physics, and possibly some aspects of life sciences: 530, 531, 532, 533, 537, 570, 581.
6. “Applied Technology and Engineering” (ATE): This is related to the numbers associated with computer science, programming, and engineering: 004, 004.01, 004.064, 005, 005.1, 005.11, 005.13, 005.5, 006.3, 006.31, 620.
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