It’s magic word syndrome. If the concept _isn’t_ properly being conveyed, re-education of the public faces an extreme uphill battle, always sliding down, all to support a word.
Allow me to provide a success example:
Bisexual has transformed into Gender Fluidic.
It has lost the “bi”. It has lost the “sexual”. It’ no longer a 2 party system. The shared physical exercise one chooses to participate in suddenly disappears, for it has been replaced with Self-Identity.
Bisexual was *used* for that purpose but it had a lot of old baggage attached to it.
I prefer Gender Fluidic over Bisexual for when one wishes to engage in self-identity purposes and I consider it a victory for those people who have struggled with gender identity issues. [I havent but I empathize with those who have]
A word shouldn’t be magical. It’s a word. If it’s not working, change it. Use something else.
NOTE: I am not bisexual OR gender fluidic. I am merely in support of the movement.