A kind of Spectrum from Determinism to Free Will, provided by ChatGPT4. Note: I seem to be straddling Compatibilism and Existentialism. Interesting it calls it “Soft Determinism”; I’d like a hair more free than that, but not as free as Existentialism and yet still they are next to each other. 1. Hard Determinism: Every event, including human cognition and behavior, is causally determined by an unbroken chain of prior occurrences. 2. Physical Determinism: All events are determined by the laws of physics, including human choices and actions. 3. Biological Determinism: Human behavior is determined by genetic, biochemical, or neurological factors. 4. Psychological Determinism: Human behavior is determined by past experiences, unconscious motives, or ingrained habits. 5. Theological Determinism: All events are preordained by a divine being or higher power. 6. Compatibilism (Soft Determinism): Free will and determinism are compatible; our actions are determined, but we can still act freely if they align with our desires and beliefs. 7. Existentialism: Humans have free will, but our choices are constrained by external circumstances. 8. Libertarianism (Philosophical): Humans have absolute free will, and our choices are not determined by any prior events or laws. 9. Metaphysical Libertarianism: Free will exists and is incompatible with determinism; indeterminism is true, and we have control over our actions. 10. Indeterminism: Events are not caused by prior events but occur randomly or chaotically. 11. Radical Free Will: Every individual action is a result of conscious decision, completely free from any physical, social, or divine constraints.

A kind of Spectrum from Determinism to Free Will, provided by ChatGPT4.
Note: I seem to be straddling Compatibilism and Existentialism. Interesting it calls it “Soft Determinism”; I’d like a hair more free than that, but not as free as Existentialism and yet still they are next to each other.
1. Hard Determinism: Every event, including human cognition and behavior, is causally determined by an unbroken chain of prior occurrences.
2. Physical Determinism: All events are determined by the laws of physics, including human choices and actions.
3. Biological Determinism: Human behavior is determined by genetic, biochemical, or neurological factors.
4. Psychological Determinism: Human behavior is determined by past experiences, unconscious motives, or ingrained habits.
5. Theological Determinism: All events are preordained by a divine being or higher power.
6. Compatibilism (Soft Determinism): Free will and determinism are compatible; our actions are determined, but we can still act freely if they align with our desires and beliefs.
7. Existentialism: Humans have free will, but our choices are constrained by external circumstances.
8. Libertarianism (Philosophical): Humans have absolute free will, and our choices are not determined by any prior events or laws.
9. Metaphysical Libertarianism: Free will exists and is incompatible with determinism; indeterminism is true, and we have control over our actions.
10. Indeterminism: Events are not caused by prior events but occur randomly or chaotically.
11. Radical Free Will: Every individual action is a result of conscious decision, completely free from any physical, social, or divine constraints.

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