500 years in the future sounds about right.

Any. If I had to make a snap decision, I’d go with about 500 years. Foreign enough to be utterly fascinating but not so far off into the future that it’s incomprehensible to me.

The shifts in language alone give me a time limit. 1000 years? I wouldn’t be able to understand a word they’re saying anywhere.


d like to say “I’d come back”.
really it depends.

It’s most likely that I’d come back but should I be welcomed and it was an environment that was suitable to me, I wouldn’t have any trouble staying.

I always felt I could be ok in nearly any point of history. We only record the exciting and dramatic parts of history. But considering people are still born in families, have childhoods, are raised, and life and work… most of life is.. well… life.

and somehow I could manage at any point in history.

I look at it this way: I just happened to enter the timestream in 1972. It could’ve been yesterday, 7849 years from now, 13382 years ago.

Nothing special to me about my era except for one thing: I’m here and I’m enjoying it for what it has… and I keep waiting for certain things to be invented that haven’t come around yet, so it’s never dull smile emoticon

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