OK. Updating to be more encompassing in the phenomenological subject. I’m ok with this:
13. Self-as-Spiritual-Being: Philosophy, Ethics, Mysticism and Spirituality, Comparative Theology, Humanistic and Existential Psychology, Interfaith and Interbelief Dialogue, Secular Spirituality
So now it’s at:
1. Self-Reflecting and Self-as-Subject: Philosophy, Psychology, Cognitive Science, Embodied Ecology, Cognitive Restructuring
2. Self-Mirroring: AI and Machine Learning
3. Self-in-Community and Self-in-Relation: Anthropology, Sociology, Religious Studies
4. Self-Expression and Self-as-Linguist: Linguistics, Literature, Arts
5. Self-as-Life: Biology, Zoology, Botany
6. Self-as-Healer: Health and Wellness
7. Self-in-Universe and Self-as-Knower: Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy
8. Self-as-Creator and Self-as-Coder: Engineering, Computer Science, Coding
9. Self-as-Earth-Steward: Environmental and Earth Sciences
10. Self-as-Social-Being: Social Sciences
11. Self-as-Explorer-of-Experience: Arts, Humanities
12. Self-as-Learner-and-Teacher: Education, Pedagogy
13. Self-as-Spiritual-Being: Philosophy, Ethics, Mysticism and Spirituality, Comparative Theology, Humanistic and Existential Psychology, Interfaith and Interbelief Dialogue, Secular Spirituality