000 – Would enrich the Self-as-Creator and Self-as-Coder theme 900 – Could support the Self-as-Social-Being and Self-as-Earth-Steward themes 101-149 – Relevant to the Self-Reflecting and Self-as-Spiritual-Being themes 151-159 – Relevant to the Self-Reflecting and Self-as-Spiritual-Being themes 301-399 – Would enrich the Self-in-Community, Self-in-Relation and Self-as-Social-Being themes 500-599 – Relevant to the Self-as-Life, Self-in-Universe and Self-as-Knower themes 600-699 – Could support the Self-as-Healer and Self-as-Creator themes The unmatched categories related to experimental medicine, home management, etc. may not correspond directly to the themes but could still provide a broader context for understanding self and its relation to society and the world.

000 – Would enrich the Self-as-Creator and Self-as-Coder theme
900 – Could support the Self-as-Social-Being and Self-as-Earth-Steward themes
101-149 – Relevant to the Self-Reflecting and Self-as-Spiritual-Being themes
151-159 – Relevant to the Self-Reflecting and Self-as-Spiritual-Being themes
301-399 – Would enrich the Self-in-Community, Self-in-Relation and Self-as-Social-Being themes
500-599 – Relevant to the Self-as-Life, Self-in-Universe and Self-as-Knower themes
600-699 – Could support the Self-as-Healer and Self-as-Creator themes

The unmatched categories related to experimental medicine, home management, etc. may not correspond directly to the themes but could still provide a broader context for understanding self and its relation to society and the world.

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