(000) Computer Science, Information & General Works
*(001) Knowledge
*(003) Systems
*(004) Data processing & computer science
*(005) Computer programming, programs & data
*(006) Special computer methods
(027) General libraries
*(021) Library relationships
*(022) Administration of physical plant
*(025) Library operations
*(028) Reading & use of other information media
(100) Philosophy & Psychology
(115) Time
(120) Epistemology, causation & humankind
*(122) Causation
(150) Psychology and Mental Health
(190) Modern western philosophy
*(110) Metaphysics
(200) Religion
(290) Other religions
(300) Social Sciences
(301) Sociology & anthropology
(302) Social interaction
(303) Social processes
(306) Culture & institutions
(310) Statistics
(320) Political science
(330) Economics
(331) Labor economics
(332) Financial economics
*(336) Public finance
*(337) International economics
*(338) Production
*(339) Macroeconomics & related topics
(333) Economics of land & energy
(340) Law
(360) Social problems & social services
(370) Education
(380) Commerce, communications & transportation
(381) Commerce
*(388) Production
(400) Language, Linguistics, and Communication
(410) Linguistics
(415) Language acquisition
(420) English & Old English languages
(430) German & related languages
*(431) German language
(500) Natural Sciences & Mathematics
(510) Mathematics and Computational Concepts
(511) General principles of mathematics
(512) Algebra
(514) Topology
(515) Analysis
(516) Geometry
(518) Numerical analysis
(519) Probabilities & applied mathematics
(520) Astronomy
(530) Physics
(531) Classical mechanics; solid mechanics
*(532) Fluid mechanics; liquid mechanics
*(535) Light & infrared & ultraviolet phenomena
*(537) Electricity & electronics
*(539) Modern physics
(540) Chemistry & allied sciences
(541) Physical chemistry
(550) Earth sciences
(551) Geology, hydrology & meteorology
(570) Life sciences; biology
(571) Physiology & related subjects
*(572) Biochemistry
(580) Plants (Botany)
(590) Animals (Zoology)
(600) Technology
(610) Medicine & health
(612) Human physiology
(616) Diseases
(620) Engineering & allied operations
(621) Applied physics
*(623) Military & nautical engineering
*(627) Hydraulic engineering
*(629) Other branches of engineering
(630) Agriculture
(660) Chemical engineering
(669) Metallurgy
(700) Arts & Recreation
(710) Landscaping & area planning
(720) Architecture
(780) Music
(790) Sports, games & entertainment
(791) Public performances